Many people have mixed feeling the use of mobile phones in public places like restaurants and cinemas.Wherever they were a;most unknown twenty years ago, these days they are part of everyone's life,and the world would now feel a strange place without them.
One of the strangest argument is favor of banning mobile phones is the annoyance they cause other people.Although people are always asked to turn off their mobile phones when they go to the cinema,you can be sure that the film you are watching will be interrupted by the sound of at least five ringing tones!what is more many people insist on continuing their conversation,even though hundreds of people can hear them!. For this reason many people would welcome a ban on mobile phones in places where they might irritate other people.
On the other hand there re a number f arguments against such a ban. It is really difficult t o stop people bringing mobile phones into public places, and therfore it wold e virtually impossible to enforce any ban. Some people would see this as an infringement of their rights ,while other people would say they need them in case of an emergency. And despite being asked to turn their mobile phones off,some people insist on leaving them on, or simply forget to silence them. Perhaps the most important point is that, in spite of all the disadvantages, many people these days simply feel that they can not live without their mobile.
It seem to me that a ban on mobile phones would be pointless. People will always find a way round any ban. Nevertheless people should be discouraged from using them in places like restaurants, unless it is absolutely necessary. People should be made aware that it's very bad manners to use them at certain times. Furthermore,there will always be someone who thinks their call is much more important than other people's peace and quiet!.